Travis Vernier

Travis Vernier

Attorney & Partner

Travis Vernier graduated magna cum laude from Oklahoma City University School of Law as a Merit Scholar, and earned CALI Excellence Awards in Civil Procedure I, Legal Research and Writing II, Trial Practice, and Corporations Law, for scoring the highest grades in his class. He served as a Staff Editor for the Oklahoma City Law Review and was inducted into honor societies such as Phi Kappa Phi and Phi Delta Phi.

During law school, Travis interned with multiple firms, including one focusing in defending healthcare providers and first responders, and externed for the Chief Judge of the Oklahoma County District Court.

Before practicing law, Travis dedicated over a decade to public service. He joined his local volunteer fire department in high school and later became a full-time Oklahoma City police officer, focusing in crimes against children as a detective. His bravery earned him several honors, including a Lifesaving Award, a Medal of Honor, and the Committee of 100’s H.K. "Tony" A. Calvert Award for bravery. He retired as a Detective Sergeant and co-founded Bennett | Vernier with Les Bennett.

Travis is a Certified Force Science® Analyst and is licensed to practice law in Oklahoma and Kansas. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Politics and Law from Southern Nazarene University. Outside of work, he and his wife attend church in northwest Oklahoma City, and he enjoys road biking.

Contact Travis:
(405) 787-9950
3810 North Peniel Avenue
Bethany, OK 73008